Our Best features
Explore The Innovative Features of Leadswatch
Harness the possibilities of a super powerful inbound lead generation & management platform designed to bring utmost efficiency and skyrocket your business.
Spotlight Features
Manage and Distribute Leads with 100% Accuracy
Real Time Leads
Capture and monitor valuable leads from any source, from simple contact forms to full-fledge landing pages.
Lead Analysis
Ensure the authenticity of the received lead by previewing the contents beforehand with a single click.
Inbound Campaigns
Easily Create Unlimited Campaigns and assign multiple Publishers to Each Campaign Depending On Your Buyers.
Format Leads
Append or Convert formats of specific fields within a lead like DOB, Date, Time, and Phone Number.
Leads Distribution
Ping Post and dispense leads in JSON and XML file formats with scope for customization.
Outbound Routes
Configure and systemize multiple routes with extended functionality to deliver data-driven leads to buyers.
Filter Leads
Authenticate inbound leads in real-time from multiple publishers to validate them before distribution.
Accurate Distribution
Apply lead distribution filters and deliver the right lead to the right buyer.
In-App Accounting
Charge buyers and pay publishers and maintain an accounting log of every transaction.
Payment Gateway Integration
Integrate your payment gateway with Leads Watch and receive timely invoices from your buyers.
Team Collaboration
Give access to your team members and work seamlessly with them to increase productivity.
Multi-Platform Access
Always stay connected with Leads Watch and keep track of your business.
Calling Process
Our team of experts will attend the call, understand customer's needs, and send collected data automatically to publishers.
Data Encryption
We arm you with a supreme-level data encryption algorithm protecting your business around the clock.
Custom CRM
You can easily create, update, and move items—and schedule custom email and SMS campaigns with notes.
Auto-Rotating Email Accounts
Enhances privacy by limiting the duration any single address is used, making tracking more difficult.
Multiple channel outreach
Personalize content, segment your audience, and use automated email sequences.
Unlimited Email Warmups with AI
Automates the gradual increase in email volume. Manages sending schedules without manual intervention.
Unlimited Email Accounts
Allows for large-scale outreach campaigns. Can handle multiple clients or projects simultaneously.
API Integration
Automate repetitive tasks like account creation, email sending, and data retrieval. Reduce manual effort and minimize errors.
Integrations with Apps
Reduce manual tasks and improve efficiency. Automate data transfer between apps.
Automated Ad Campaigns
Save time by automating repetitive tasks such as ad creation, bidding, and reporting.
ChatBot for Lead Generation
Provide instant responses and support at any time of the day. Automate the process of capturing and qualifying leads.
Drag and Drop Surveys and Forms
Intuitive interfaces that allow users to quickly create and customize surveys/forms.
Online Appointment Scheduling
Clients can book appointments anytime, anywhere. Automate appointment confirmations, reminders, and cancellations.
Create Multiple Channel Campaigns
Engage with your audience through multiple channels, increasing the chances of your message being seen or heard.
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Our ultimate goal is to provide you with an exceptional product that exceeds our competitors in every way: affordability, user-friendliness, advanced technology, and round-the-clock support. We flex by bringing you custom features on demand! Any questions?
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